Friday, July 31, 2009

The Gift Of Leadership

Dr. Regina Benjamin is a rural Alabama family physician whom founded a clinic in a small shrimping village called Bayou La Batre. (sound familiar…yep Forrest Gump) The town of 2,500 contained residents with almost no health insurance, most are immigrants from Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Since opening the clinic, she has rebuilt it 3 times due to hurricane devastation. During the rebuilding she twice mortgaged her own home, maxed out 3 credit cards, and to this day is owed $300,000 dollars of her own money she put into the clinic. If this is not the mark of a leader, someone who leads with action, then I don’t know what is.

I’ve often found that when academics, motivational speakers, politicians and the like speak of leadership, they regularly refer to military heroes. Individuals whom have marked themselves on the battlefield, bled for country, cause, or possibly just the man next to them. These metaphors ring true in our ears, years of cinematic vignettes flood our minds. We recall explosions, last breaths and the fearless leader promising it will be okay.

Fortunately for most of us, we have never had to endure the trappings of war, never been asked to charge a bunker in some distant land, or take a final sweetheart letter from a fallen comrade. But still each day offers us a chance of sacrifice, an opportunity to provide leadership in a moment of uncertainty, give hope when it seems there is nothing to be promised. We do not need a battlefield to experience this, we simply need to open our eyes to the opportunity before us.

We awake each day with the incredible gift to lead. Leadership is not pithy sayings, kitschy slogans, or daily calendar quotes. Leadership is taking on the personal responsibility, everyday, to have your actions and deeds be the example that your words describe. Leaders awake every morning with the conviction of person to carve their own path, they call on their own minds to be the lighthouse of guidance. A leader has the confidence, and welcomes the challenge, of standing alone, accountable and compassionate of others. A leader does not say, “follow me”, rather, a leader says, “follow you.” Be reliant, and unwavering with the commitment to yourself, and your own personal truth.

Leaders have vision. There is very little more powerful than an individual’s imagination. Imagination is often associated with fanciful daydreaming, the best friend of childhood. But imagination is the emotional capital of the true entrepreneur. It’s not enough to articulate your vision; you must be the very manifestation of your words. Leaders are always cognizant of the greater purpose, and have active plans of achievement.

Leaders set standards. Accountability begins intrinsically. We often assume accountability is a list of responsibilities. A schedule, punctuality, bills. Accountability comes from within. It is the fervent belief that I will not let myself down.

Leaders take vigorous action. Passivity is the mark of the follower. They are stagnant and allow themselves to be victims of circumstance rather. Circumstances only befall those who allow it to be so.

Leaders make excellence the expectation. An individual can never outperform their own expectations, if they expect excellence. Mediocrity is simply the result of mediocre ambitions. Be brazen with your thoughts, desires and expectations.

Leaders don’t set out to be so, the integrity of their actions and intent make them so.

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What Do You Think Of Your Mistakes

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent in doing nothing."
George Bernard Shaw

I'd just arrived back from Sydney after attending the third weekend of Landmark Education's introduction leaders program (ILP) that can certainly tell you that it was a conversation that I needed to hear. However the extent to which I was willing to take myself out of the game of causing my own transformation and wanting to stop my own success has been huge in my life. I spent all week last week debating and arguing with my coaches and other leaders from ILP that I was not be attending this weekend.

After a day of the inquiries on Friday and questions like;

"what will happen if I continue the way I have been living my life the way I have been living my life?"

"How have I been thawte'd in my past achievements?"

"By playing big gains of the time when my hiding from playing a little game"

it was these questions that really made me start to think and became in each under my skin that I kept scratching and scratching and scratching and tiller could no longer stand it any more and 5.30pm Friday afternoon I booked my flights to Sydney to continue this conversation about my failures and my achievements in my life and the emotional energy and power I had given to failure. It was this emotional charge that I had attached to failing which was hampering my personal success and achievements. To the point where I would do anything to get out of doing the work I had to do to achieve what I really desired to achieve.

What I got clear about in the seminar is that when I feel I am getting stuck in life may no longer feel or acts in the way that I am the cause in the matter of how I live my life and create my life to be.

I also got to see how much I have been fighting and resisting my own success and had to come back and asked myself what he is my cause in life?. I'm also been doing some work from the breakthrough experience by Dr DeMartini and I had to pose the question of what I have collapsed. In the world of performance I really got to understand that failure is not exist and failure is only a linguistic phenomena. And it is this linguistic phenomena that can cause us to stop living life fully And really achieve Our hearts desires.

I now can see and thank God for the experiences and the challenges that I have experienced in my life because it is those experiences and challenges which it may mean the person that I am to day. Without these experiences I would not be able to empower you , which allows me to be the catalyst in your transformation. it is this new understanding in which I can be truly grateful for the experiences, good times, bad times and previously what I would have considered to be failures without attaching any emotion at all.

So I would highly recommend you look at what you are really doing to keep yourself small and stopping your from really achieving what you desire.

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The Law of Consistency

I was reading through some of Perry's post on his blog which I must tell you are awesome, and I needed to point you in the direction of Perry's post on self liquidating offers how to use them annual marketing strategies.

Here is the link for the Self Liquidating Offers Report

For your convenience also embedded Perry's video titled the "law of consistency". to those of you who don't know who Perry Belcher is, I would have to say Perry is one of the most honest and genuine down to earth marketers I know. Terry has been through all the high and the extreme close of business online and offline and is extremely extremely gifted when it comes to marketing and business. Perry is not a person who is interested in the glitz and glamour and of speaking in front of huge crowds but is certainly someone that if you can listen to and get close to I would highly recommend it as Perry is the type of business person and market that we should all strive to become.



Make sure you tell me what you think of Perry's free report and his video.

Don't be stingy and make sure you pay it forward particularly my website links Laughing

Facebook Plans to Dominate The World

Where are you betting the future if the internet will be? How are you building your websites and marketing strategies around the current trends and future direction of the internet?

It is interesting how the big players in the internet like Facebook, Google, Microsoft effect the little players like you and me. Many people have told me that those guys do effect me because I am the little guy....well I don't believe that at all and they are also the same people that have not heard about the "Google Slap" and are paying people crazy money to get no PPC results they tell me it is the market that is down at the moment. ohh really...

How the big boys in the market place evolve the direction of the internet directly effects you and your online business. You need to embrace these changes and trends because you don't want to be left behind when they take off. It is like playing catchup because you were ignorant. (Not fun at all.. Kinda like when you forget to pay the phone bill and then your phone gets disconnected)

"Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg envisions a more personalized, humanized Web, where our network of friends, colleagues, peers, and family is our primary source of information, just as it is offline. In Zuckerberg's vision, users will query this "social graph" to find a doctor, the best camera, or someone to hire—rather than tapping the cold mathematics of a Google search. It is a complete rethinking of how we navigate the online world, one that places Facebook right at the center. In other words, right where Google is now."

..... Extract from the great Wired News Article

"Facebook has gone from glass-jawed flyweight to legitimate contender. It has become one of the most popular online destinations. More than 200 million people—about one-fifth of all Internet users—have Facebook accounts."

Have you even thought about advertising on Facebook? Why not ? Seriously what are you doing are you playing online or are you understanding how serious the online world can be and how much of a market place you can stake you claim. If you have ever tried you hand at advertising on google and thought that mastering PPC was a challenge just wait till you start advertising on Facebook it is a whole new challenge and I believe is harder than google. However once you master that pony it works wonders just like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

So I am asking you to take action and look at your direction and the startegies you are using right now with your online business will you still be around in a few years or will you be wiped out like the dinosaurs?

Leave me your comments as I would love to know your thoughts

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How to Beat Your Online Competitors

This Post if from Perry Belcher

To be successful today online is tough. The smartest brains in the world are out there, competing for the same dollars and the same customers as you are.

Ok, here are a few strategies I use when I get into competitor mode.

1. Discover your competitions strengths and weaknesses. When I go into an information marketing business or a hard product business or anything I’m selling on a website, I print out the website for the top competitors websites top to bottom. I print them out because this way I can use a highlighter and mark the things that I like about the competitors’ websites and the things that I dislike about them.

I use a yellow highlighter and a pink highlighter. If it’s good, it’s yellow, f it’s pink, that’s bad. When I’m finished going through all the competitors’ sites, I’ve simply take all the things that I like the best about their products and what I like the least. That gives me my starting point for creating my own marketing campaign.

2. Borrow research from Amazon Amazon’s books are all rated by how well they sell, so if I’m selling a product on a particular subject, physical product or an information product, I always go to Amazon and look at the top 10 selling books. There’s a feature in Amazon where you “look inside” the book, or at least you can view the back cover of the book.

Typically speaking, the titles are what really sell books in a digital marketplace like Amazon. So, I look at the titles of the books and think about how they would perform as headlines. Secondly, I look at the back covers of the books to get bullet points and explanations and lead-ins, because these publishing companies pay huge money for professional copyrighters to come in and write the backs of these books to convince you to buy them and take them home.

So, you’ll pull a lot of great information out there because they’re targeting the same customer that you are, whether you’re selling a paperback book or a $500 information product doesn’t really matter. The customer is the customer, and they’ve done a lot of market research and you get it all for free.

3. Kick their ass with style You don’t have to be a great designer to understand if a website’s ugly, pretty, if a label on a project is ugly or pretty, or how it’s going to be perceived on the shelf.

I know that ugly marketing really does work a lot of the time, but anymore, even on the online environment and in stores on shelves, or anywhere that you find it’s going to be sending next to another product, it really has to stand out on the shelf, but it also has to lend credibility and confidence to the customer to buy it.

So style is a big concern. Again, I pull the best products that I can find off the shelf, I set them side-by-side, and I work with a designer until I get a design that I believe, from the shelf standpoint, grabs the eye over everything else on the shelf.

If you don’t do this physically, set your product right next to the other products. You can do this with websites, on printed pieces of paper. Find the one that’s the most appealing to you and what you like the best. Borrow elements of the best and leave the bad. It’s really that easy.

4. Make it easier for customers to buy. This is a big thing, and one that gets very little. I have dominated crowded marketplaces by having the most simple buying system. I met a man once that owned tons of companies, hundreds of millions of dollars worth of sales a year, and he said his big secret was buying companies and then making the buying process easier for the customers.

He would turn them around, double then triple the sales, and then flip them again. The multi-multi-multi-millionaire. I have never forgotten this simple lesson and you shouldn’t either.

Tell me what YOU think. How do YOU size up competitors?

Attention and Distraction

The idea of whether the Internet is making us more intelligent or less intelligent, more vulnerable to distraction or more capable of skillful multi-tasking, seems to have obsessed the majority of print and online media journalists lately. No doubt these journalists are concerned with the fate of their jobs, as print media dwindles and people become increasingly less likely to pay for reporting that often costs thousands of dollars to accomplish. Out of this so-called “crisis of attention” has emerged a new genre of writing, a kind of meta-reporting in which journalists, distracted by the swarm of new media overtaking print, are focusing their attention on new neurological research and technological advancements to try and figure out where the future of their own profession, and indeed the entire globalized world, is headed.

One of the more notable recent articles to address this topic was Sam Anderson’s New York magazine piece called “In Defense of Distraction.”[1] Basically Anderson says that the amount of distracting media content available these days (through iPods, iPhones, 24/7 cable news, multiple email accounts, YouTube, etc) may, over time, enable human beings to be better at “paying attention.”

He begins the article by citing a number of scary statistics about the toll the Internet and streaming media has reeked on human beings: Young adults in South Korea have perished from exhaustion after marathon “gaming” sessions; distraction is a “full-blown epidemic” akin to smoking years ago, when people didn’t understand how unhealthy smoking really was; Einstein, were he alive today, would have been too distracted to come up with the theory of relativity. But Anderson soon comes around to say that attention is actually a kind of concentrated form of distraction. Focusing on a pen on your desk, for instance, is a way of harnessing your distractions around a single point. You start to think interesting thoughts about the desk, the pen, ink, the act of writing, etc. You become distracted, in other words, by concentrating on the pen.

We’re always distracted. It’s our natural condition. But too much concentration, Anderson says, can actually be a bad thing. Adderall, for example, often causes people to think mechanically, as if with blinders on, limiting one’s ability to be distracted and thus think creatively. In a recent article in Slate,[2] Joshua Foer spent an experimental week taking Adderall, and found that he was much less likely to be distracted by email, but also less likely to think outside the box. To experience the random associations or sensations that can often trigger a cool new angle on an idea, he needed to be a bit more distractable. Anderson uses the example of Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past, Proust’s giant seven-volume masterpiece of reminiscence that was initially triggered by a random sense memory—the taste of a cookie dipped in tea that transported him back to his youth. Had Proust been taking Adderall, Anderson writes, he might’ve been so caught up in whatever conversation he was having or book he was reading that the memory of eating his “madeleine,” as the cookie was called, may not have registered at all.

Nicholas Carr, a former IT consultant who writes periodically for The Atlantic, made some darker prophecies on the subject of attention and distraction last year in an article titled “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” [3] Taking the opposite track from Anderson, Carr starts by addressing the benefits of the Internet. People may be reading more than they used to in the seventies and eighties, thanks to the web and other text providers. And deep research is gloriously simpler thanks to Google. Whereas before you might have to spend a day in the library stacks to find a relevant quote, you can now search for it in Google and shazaam, there it is. Three seconds versus 5 hours. But Carr is infinitely skeptical of the toll this ease-of-access may be taking on the biological network of our brains. Technology may not only be influencing what we think, but how we think:

[W]hat the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.

Carr foresees a time not unlike that portrayed in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyssey, in which the most ostensibly “human” character turns out to be a machine. The essence of Kubrick’s prophecy, Carr writes, is that “as we come to rely on computers to mediate our understanding of the world, it is our own intelligence that flattens into artificial intelligence.”

In my own life, I’ve noticed a decreased ability to pay attention to books and magazines the way that I used to, before the Internet became such a big part of everyone’s life. There’s always something else to do, to look up, to watch. Spending an hour reading a novel or a long article in the New Yorker is becoming less and less feasible. I find myself getting antsy, losing my place, drifting off, especially if I happen to be reading in the same room as my computer—that portal to the land of universal knowledge and, of course, distraction. Granted, there are a lot of great things on the Internet, things that have certainly changed the way I think about the world in a positive and beneficial way. Never have human beings been able to connect with one another so easily, and connect to ideas so easily, which hopefully increases our wisdom and ability to empathize with the rest of the species.

And yet, it’s hard not to feel like a kind of lab rat, punching the feeder bar for more and more input, more content, more blips of temporary pleasure from videos of cats in funny costumes. And the sad truth, as Carr makes clear, is that companies like Google have an economic interest in making us more and more distracted, so that they can learn more about our interests and personal habits and then advertise accordingly. They don’t want concentrated thinking; they want you to continue hyperlinking and surfing wildly and constantly, instead of spending thirty minutes contemplating an author’s intentions. That gets them nowhere. They, too, are thirsty for input.

For the moment, the solution for many ambitious Americans seems to be neuro-enhancers, drugs that increase out ability to pay attention and perform complex tasks more efficiently. But again, what part of ourselves are we losing by taking these drugs? The long-term consequences of Adderall addiction can be just as devastating as an addiction to speed—the gradual burning-out of important neural circuitry. Perhaps the best solution is to take up meditating, or make sure you get some weekly exercise, or just continue to think about stuff and have face-to-face conversations about non-technological subjects. Unless some apocalyptic event wipes out the whole mainframe Internet circuit board, we’re going to be living with frighteningly advanced technology for millennia to come. We better start learning how to ignore it from time to time.




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And You Get Stopped At No You Are Gutless

I was just checking my twitter feed last night and the next thing a friend sends me this link, and what I watched completely amazed me in under 2 mins I was left completely touched, moved and inspired. And more importantly I was speechless, and for those of you who know me that means something, so check this out.

So what stops you? What is keeping you from living life, no I mean really living the life that you dream about.

We really don't know how good we have life, even when the bills are coming in, even when we have no money or are over worked. It really does not matter at all you are still blessed.

You have an amazing family who are there to support and love you through thick and thin. You have amazing friends and you have a fully working body where you have so much potential that it would scare any person if you unlocked just a little of it.

However you will be stopped in the face of no. You will whinge about poor me, ohh it is someone elses fault. Well really I say you have nothing and I meaning noting standing in the way of you achieving the success you want, deserve and desire. Never, never, never stop and create and live the life that you dream.

I hope that this video empowers and inspires you like it did me. Ron you are the man, if only I took your wisdom and lived in that every day.

The True Measure Of The 'Size' Of A Person Is...

No, not the size of a person “physically”…the size of a person “mentally.”

How can you tell if someone is strong or weak, real or fake, of significance or insignificance??

There’s one way.....

The size of the person is revealed by the size of the problem that stops them.

Nowadays, MANY are getting stopped dead in their tracks and it is revealing MUCH about them. And there will be more casualties to come. Mark my words.

NO person is bigger than the size of the problem that stops them.

And you?

Have you been stopped by anything lately? What sends you to the Doctor with a sniffle? How much does it take to discourage you? Possibly the news about the recession, credit crisis or job losses has you down?
Well, it’s clear that it's "rained" out and many are running for cover as if their lives have been threatened...many are shrinking.
So here’s what Disney World decided to do not long ago…

They decided to have a “Rain Parade.”
When it was proposed, someone said: “what the hell is a rain parade?”
Answer – a parade that takes place when it rains so everybody happily runs around “in the rain” instead of unhappily cowering in doorways wasting their time here waiting for it to end.

Are you with me?

So what do you think about organizing a “Rain Parade” for you and your people right now? Because ya know what? It’s gonna rain a lot harder…
We each get to decide how strong or weak, real or fake, significant or insignificant we will be in the face of it all. Some people always take ownership of “ambition” while others take ownership of “victimhood”…

Which are you?

Looking forward to seeing many of you at the upcoming Private m3 Wealth Group annual conference shortly...

The Urgency of Importance

In Stephen Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” he talks about the difference between Important and Urgent matters, and how dividing our time in a balanced way between those two types of activities can make us more or less effective.

It’s amazing how something that urgently demands our attention almost always seems to appear important. But is it? Understanding how to recognize the two as separate has really been an eye-opener for me and has helped me prioritize how I spend my time.

Urgent matters require our immediate attention; we react to urgent needs. It could be something as simple as putting down a book we are studying to answer a question shouted from the next room.

Every one of us probably knows someone who’s permanently in crisis mode, constantly putting out fires, busy, busy, busy. But, have you noticed, that type of person is frequently stuck somewhere shy of their goals because they never seem to have the time to get to the things they say are important to them?

I am not saying that urgent matters are always not important. A true crisis must be tended to. But a problem—something like figuring out how to clear the cache on your computer so it runs smoother—must take a number and wait behind matters that actually are important.

Important activities are those that help you get closer to the goals you have set for yourself. Important tasks frequently are things we must do on our own initiative, without some outside circumstance creating a sense of urgency. Important things come in all sizes, but usually require planning and effort, sometimes simply to prevent situations from becoming urgent. For example, taking care of your own body now is important because it may help you to avoid a future consumed by illness and urgent visits to the doctor. (I have barely missed the gym since I had this epiphany!)

We ignore important tasks early in the day or early in life, they have a way of escalating into urgent situations.

It’s probably becoming apparent that one thing that’s extremely important is to separate important tasks from urgent ones and assign them time appropriately. Once you’ve clarified that something is important, it’s your responsibility to assign a sense of urgency and get it done. If you’re an entrepreneur, think about the aspects of your business that are urgent as opposed to important. Consider delegating urgent tasks by getting an assistant. Your effectiveness will dramatically increase if you start spending by far the greatest percentage of your time attending to the important things. If you take care of the important tasks you’ll keep them from becoming urgent and reduce the amount of time devoted to crisis management in your life.

As I said, time for mortals is finite. In fact, we never really know when we’ll run out of it. To make matters more complicated, there turns out to be truth in the old saying that you never have enough time to do everything you’d like to do. So you really do need to decide what is important, and take care of business!

[Cheat Sheet] Tools to Make Your Tweets More Sweet

Twitter is a phenomenon. A lot of our StomperNet Elite have been early adopters, and at the last StomperNet LIVE Event, one of the favorite presentations was from Perry Belcher on how he got 60,000 followers on Twitter… that's like having a LIST.

Only better.

See, people are kind of "meh" about getting email. It's certainly not a novelty anymore. You have to really have good content on a regular basis to do well with email.

But man-o-man do people love checking out Tweets. It's new and hip, and it's got its own unique feel. It's like all the people following along can actually look over your shoulder and see what you're up to.

Now sure, not everyone really cares what you've got going on with up-to-the-minute updates. But SOME DO. Those people are what we like to call "Crazy Super Hot Prospects". :)

As marketers, it's AMAZING that we can use a tool like Twitter to keep in constant contact with our biggest fans and cheerleaders. But BOY, the folks at Twitter, don't make it easy on us.

And that's understandable. I mean, their tool isn't really FOR us business folk, really. It's meant to be simple and easy to use, and 99% of their user base doesn't need the kind of detail and data that we would like.

Fortunately, several tools are out now that make it easy for the business-minded Twitter-er to make the most out of this incredible influence engine and do what we came to do: Make More Money.

This isn't an affiliate promotion or anything. All of these are Free to use, and should run fine on most Windows PCs or Macs.

But before we get started…

IMPORTANT: Don't dismiss this. Whether or not you're the kind of person to hop on the "next big thing" you need to consider that Twitter is HOT, and it's hot right now - it's got an audience of millions that grows every day.

One of the foundational lessons of Internet Marketing is to go and find where your prospects hang out, right? So the fact is, if you're not using Twitter as part of your promotional mix, you aren't doing as well as you could be.

So let's fix it. Go get started with Twitter today and you won't ever look back. :) Then, once you're set up, join us back here for a little "Tool Time".

For all you folks already reaping the benefits of Twitter-power, let's get started now.

Twitter Tool #1:

This is the one I currently use. I really like the multi-column interface. It's like you have a "dashboard" for all your Twitter stuff: friends, replies, direct messages, and groups. (Note, if you prefer single-column, it can do that too.)

Another feature I really like is the ability to filter tweets for my @AndyJenkins username into their own group, so I can proactively monitor whenever I'm being mentioned. That way, I can show up and save the day. Like Superman. :)

IMPORTANT: No guarantees that I will show up or save the day if you Tweet about me. But I AM watching. You should be too! This feature makes it too easy NOT to.

TweetDeck is a desktop app, also. It runs on Adobe Air, so it's cross platform on Vista, XP or Mac OSX. I like the fact that it's a desktop application because I have a multi-monitor setup, and I can put the whole TweetDeck interface over to my right in full expanded view, and still edit video on my main screen.

Now, I haven't really had any issues using TweetDeck, but Stompers have reported some issues, so I'll defer to StomperNet Faculty Sherman Hu.

Sherman wrote a "Good, Better, Best" review of several Twitter tools for Volume 1, Issue 7 of "The Net Effect". One of his own TweetDeck pet peeves is that it seems to be a resource hog on his computer.

Admittedly, my own computer is a hoss, and I haven't noticed. :) Sherman also tells me that TweetDeck will max out your API limits more frequently than other tools that are available.

(That's what it means when your Twitter Status says "Rate Limit Exceeded".)

Sherman also pointed out to me that TweetDeck gives you the most URL shortening options (you can choose from 13 services). Also, when you Tweet a link to an image, TweetDeck will automatically upload it to TwitPic, too.

Those aren't features I personally use too much, but worth mentioning.

Now since I've only ever used and TweetDeck, I'm not informed enough to give much insight into the other options available to you.

Lucky for you, I'm going to "steal" generously from the rest of Sherman's review and let you know about some other tools you can try besides TweetDeck.

Most of the opinions expressed below are based on Sherman's extensive experience, testing and expertise. I trust his recommendations, so I think you can, too. :)

Twitter Tool #2: Twhirl

Twhirl is another desktop application, again built with Adobe Air. It's got a lot of similarities to TweetDeck.

You can also do "ego searching" and filter out Tweets that mention your username, and Twhirl will search through Twitter itself and TweetScan for you.

You also have a choice with Twhirl when it comes to URL shorteners, but it's a lot fewer than TweetDeck. Twhirl only offers 4 options, though I've only ever really needed one.

Now there's one thing that Twhirl does that is unique. When you have it open, you can activate another window and open another Twitter account and manage both at once.

That's really handy if you Tweet frequently from multiple accounts. Some business owners I know have at least one personal and one business account, and that feature is obviously very appealing.

Even though we're talking primarily about Twitter, I should also mention that Twhirl can also log into and manage, FriendFeed and Seesmic at the same time. And it can do multiples of those accounts, just like Twitter.

If you're using any of those sites for social activities, Twhirl might be your way to go.

Twitter Tool #3: PeopleBrowsr

Unlike the previous two options, PeopleBrowsr is not desktop based, but rather you log in through their website. This has the advantage of being accessible from any web-connected computer, and you don't need to download or install anything.

The downside is, you're kind of at their whim as far as using their tool or not. Plus, they're only in Alpha release, meaning they are still in early development of the site and software.

But with the pretty staggering amount of features and benefits the service has, I think they'll be around long enough to make it to a major public release. Whether or not they will charge to use the service later, I can't say.

If I had to guess though, it looks like they might. Heck, I would. :)

NOTE: They appear to also have a downloadable Adobe Air version of PeopleBrowsr, but I haven't used that option, so I can't really comment on it. If it works at all like the web version, you'll be impressed.

The "Lite" version is web-based and has a multi-column look similar to TweetDeck. You have several view options though. You can create and save complex custom Tweet searches too, and Reply, DM, and Retweet all in one click.

Pretty simple.

But that doesn't even BEGIN to scratch the surface of the options that are available with this tool. Sherman's much longer review didn't do it justice, much less my little recap here.

Here are some of Sherman's favorite "Advanced" Features:

Multi-Stack Views: if you want to go crazy with the multi-column view, PeopleBrowsr supports opening more than 10 at once. Sherman calls this the "landscape" view and can really give you an amazing view of your social efforts all on one screen.

Reports: This one is a social marketer's dream. 18 different reports are available so far, just in Alpha. Stuff like "People Retweeting Me", "Recent Followers", and "Top Twitterers" are all at your fingertips.

Search & Export: Another one I'm excited to check out myself. You can do complex searches by bio, location, and more. Best of all, you can export those search results via RSS, HTML, or even a Retweet.

And one more feature I think marketers will appreciate:

Tweet Later: Save drafts of your tweets and even schedule them for later. If you're conducting a launch, are going out of town, or even if you want to "set it and forget it", this feature will be an incredible benefit.

I should note that this is what Sherman currently uses the most, though he's used all of the options mentioned here from time to time.

A helpful hint: If you want to check out PeopleBrowsr before setting up an account, you can play with the interface a little bit if you press "Skip Login" on their homepage.

That's it for this "Cheat Sheet" - I hope that not only will you start taking advantage of Twitter in your business, but that these tool recommendations help you find the right combination of features that will help you make more money, AND give you more time to enjoy it!

Until Next Time,
Keep Stomping!
~Andy Jenkins and the
StomperNet Faculty and Staff

Master Minding With PPC Gurus

Howdy All,

Last weekend I got to spend the weekend with Cherie from The Urban Cow Girl, Jim Yaghi and David Schwind and it was an awesome weekend. This weekend was spent in a ranch just out side Kansas City, Kansas.

We spent 3 days pooring over Google PPC Strategies and working out how to dominate Google PPC. We shared our strategies and marketing skills and with one of Jim's techniques I picked up over 500,000 keywords in a niche for my PPC camapign. Just learning how to get your PPC account setup correctly in structuring your campaigns was awesome, it makes a huge difference to how you can manage your ads and your conversions. As we know the name of the game is sales and making money, so learning how to pick up 500,000 keywords that are costings me lest then 10 cents a click is awesome.

So now I am armed with new skills, I have been putting them to work while I have been on Holidays as a friend of mine joined me on this USA trip. So what we did was make it a road trip from LA to Kansas and back. I will share more about that in another post so stay tuned.

Ideas and Action What Are You Doing?

Anyone can have a great idea, lots of them: million dollar ideas; ideas that will change their life; ideas that will change other people’s lives; ideas that will change the world. But any idea that stays on the chalkboard is worth only the chalk it’s written with.

What’s missing for most people is decisive action and disciplined follow-through to take their ideas from concept to reality. Here is how I have turned a lot of my “million dollar ideas” into millions of dollars.

Take some form of productive action daily.
It could be something as simple as googling a phone number or doing some basic research–something that takes you closer to your goal. Be careful though, being “busy” does not necessarily mean you are taking action; action takes you measurably closer to your goal. When a task, idea, or goal is so big or challenging that you can’t move on it, break it down into small steps that you can take action on daily. Ideas don’t count as building blocks, only actions do. Considering this, how is the construction on your house of dreams coming?

Be scrappy, resourceful and do it yourself.
No one is going to have the same passion that you have for your idea and no one will be willing to invest as much time, energy and passion in making it happen as you. If you have to, make your action steps smaller, but do not quit or allow yourself to stall when tough circumstances appear. Persistence and patience are key to solving your entrepreneurial puzzles. I have no formal education on business or marketing yet almost very major accomplishment and entrepreneurial success I have had in the last five years came by figuring it out and doing it myself. All you do-it-yourselfers know there is no substitute for the school of hard knocks.

Don’t wait to take action until you have the perfect conditions.
Circumstances, conditions and timing are seldom perfect. That’s why all of the successful entrepreneurs that I know create their own circumstances as they need them. Just like with travel, the quickest way to get to your destination is the most direct route. If that means figuring it out and doing it yourself sometimes, so be it.

Seek guidance from people who already have the results you want.
I personally have about a dozen people I look up to in all different areas of life and business. People that have the results that I want to achieve whom I look to emulate as closely as possible. These people don’t even know that are on my imaginary board of directors. Leveraging other people’s knowledge and experience will help you cut down on mistakes and accelerate the process.

Put productivity over procedure.
People can take months batting ideas around, preparing a business plan, consulting accountants and attorneys, getting a business entity set up, etc. I see people stuck in the “getting-ready-to-get-ready” mode all the time. (I made my first million before I actually had an accountant or business entity set up. Not recommended.) But hey, I made my first million, and my last million by taking action on my ideas. You should try it.

This post was written jay-kubassek

If you would like to know more about what Jay does click here

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Are You Ready To Take Yourself On

Hope you are working hard and enjoying yourselves at the same time.

You have known me for a while now and would know that I have been taking my self on in life and have transformed what I call my life and how I relate to myself and how I relate to other people. This has been because I have been in a training program called Landmark education. I tell you what it is not easy to take yourself on and really commit to transforming who you are, the good the bag and the ugly the stuff that you usually hide from people. The parts of your life that you even hide from yourself.

But I am sure you are aware once you have seen a hope of what is or could be possible for your life you hang on to it and chase that hope. I have seen that light, that fire of what is possible for my life and my relationships with people and I would like to share that flame with you. I challenge you if you really want to take yourself on and create a possibility that touches, moves and inspires you, your family, your community and the world register for the Landmark Forum now. Every excuse that you use not to do it is holding you back in your life right now, and I want to acknowledge you as the brave, powerful, loving person that you are. I am grateful that I have been able to share my life with you and am excited and look forward to what the future holds.

As a result of playing the game of transformation I have rebuilt my relationship with my father that I did not speak to for 10 years, taken on my life, relationships and business value to a whole new level. I now let people into my life and let them see who I really am and what is going on in my life.

It is really time that we spot talking about what is possible and make it happen, and I am certain that the Landmark Forum will give you access into what is stopping you achieving and living your possibility.

If you want to take yourself on here are the details of the seminar I was talking about

What you need to do no is register for the next event you can Call Angela in Sydney 02 9692 9011 tell her you were speaking with me and she will know who sent you.

Have a wonderful day.

Website Design Internet Marketing By Australia's Top Internet Marketer

Do You Want To Increase Your Sales and Stand Out From The Crowd?




Benjamin Bressington Australia website design

  • You are losing business by not having a personal website
  • A professional website will boost your credibility in your market place
  • Personal websites allow you to keep your clients, prospects & leads informed and maintain communication
  • Using Social Media Platforms will set you apart and give you competitive advantage over your competition

A Powerful Personal Website That Integrates With FaceBook, MySpace, YouTube, Twitter and Many More Will Increase Your Sales

Benjamin has just returned from a 3 month marketing trip in the USA and for a limited time will teach you how to leverage social media marketing to boost your business even in today’s economy.

Benjamin consults with speakers featured on the World Wide Hit “The Secret”. Benjamin teaches people around the world how to leverage the power of the Internet you can
learn these secrets to boost your Business Today.

Why Have Benjamin Design Your Website?

Benjamin has been selling his own products and services online for the last 4 years and has been achieving great results. With Benjamin's hands on experience, constant further training and network with some of the worlds top online marketers Benjamin can provide you with up-to-date information on how to ensure your website is powerful and effective.

Benjamin just does not design you a website, Benjamin will understand your business objective and ensure you know how you can achieve the results you desire. Due to Benjamin's personal experience in starting, operating and developing his own businesses from cafes to consulting companies Benjamin is well aware of what it is like to be in your position. With Benjamin able to communicate with his design team and SEO team you will be provided with a website that is powerful and converts into sales.

Benjamin consults with and is educated by market leaders around the world and regularly travels around the world to ensure that Benjamin and the team have the most up to date and cutting edge information to ensure your website can make you money.

Contact Benjamin Now To Take Advantage Off His Services


USA Phone (512) 539 0609

AUS Office (07) 3103 2032

AUS Mobile (61) 434 363 446

Skype bigmongrel

Customer Testimonial

John Smart - Australia


1. Determine The Objective Of Your Website?

What is the purpose of your website? This is a very important questions that most designers do not understand or worse don't even ask when they are have your website designed this means that you will not achieve the results that you want.

Here are some questions that you need to think about before you commence your website design;

Who is your customer?
Are you wanting to sell product online?
Who is your real world competition
Who is your online competition?
How is your product or service getting sold online?
Are you wanting to generate leads?
Are you wanting to show case your product?
How are you going to contact your prospects?
Do you want an email auto responder?
Are you going to use a blog?

When you are designing your website you need to be aware of the purpose of your website other wise you will fail online.
These are some of the many questions that we will ask you prior to completing your website design.

Why Do we ask you these questions?
We want to understand your business and ensure we provide you with a solution that will enhance your business success.

2. Do Your Competitive Research

Understanding who and how your competition are using the internet is very powerful, because this determines the effort required to dominate your market place. This also can provide you with vital information that can assist in your design and marketing of your website. This therefore saves you time and money.

Have you done your Keyword Research?
Deciding what it is you want your website to sell is the first step in designing a website.

Designing a website around something which people are not looking for can potentially be a
waste of time and money

There are tools online which you can use to find out what people are searching for online, such as this google keyword tool (opens in a new window). The key to making money online is finding the topics which have the largest number of people searching for online and to target either your website or particular web pages to that topic.

The Team at Benjamin Bressington specialise in clearly defining your target market and your niche to ensure that you dominate the market and capitalize on the power of the internet

3. Make It Easy For Your Clients Or Buyers To Do Business

Before you design your website you must first figure out what you want your visitors to do.

Do you want them to leave their contact details, send you an email or pick up the phone and call your business for more information?

Does your website work in all browsers? Are the button on your website clear and simple to read? Is the Call to action on your website clear and simple?

4. Does Your Website Make You Look Professional?

Prior to the year 2007, businesses could make money online by putting up a website that did not have high end graphic design and still make a considerable profit.

However the prospects and clients choice has now increased, so you need to ensure that your website promotes your trust, reputation and integrity. There are many simple design elements that you can do to increase your initial trust rating, just remember you buyer will make their decision within 3 seconds of looking at your website.

5. Have A Internet Marketing Strategy To Grow Your Website

Having your website designed is only stage 1 you need to integrate your website design into your marketing strategy that will increase the traffic to your website.

Here are some ways that the Internet Sales Doctor will increase traffic in your Internet Marketing Strategy

Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC)
Organic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Link Building
Article Writing
Article Submission
Online Video Marketing
Facebook Marketing
Social Book Marketing
Social Media Advertising
Alias website creation
Ebay Campaigns
Amazon Campaigns
Email Marketing

Have You Heard About Robert Kiyosaki's NEW Project?

Robert Kiyosaki, author of the #1 bestselling personal finance book of all time, Rich Dad Poor Dad is taking a new approach with his next book. He’s releasing the book, Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money, online — for free. And he’s inviting readers to participate in the writing process.

Here -->

Here's what the publishing company had to say about the NEW project:

“We are living in tumultuous, unsettling and frightening economic times,” said Rick Wolff, Vice President and Executive Editor for Hachette Book Group, publisher of Rich Dad Poor Dad and the 26 books in the Rich Dad series, “and Robert believes that people today, perhaps more than ever before, are hungry for information and financial education. The fact that he is committed to writing and distributing a new book to the world for free is amazing to us, and indicative of his genuine concern for the challenging economic times in which we live. Today, more than ever, the world needs a voice they can trust and someone they can rely on to deliver the cold, hard facts about what is really happening in the world.”

And here's what Kiyosaki says:

“This is the right book, at the right time, at the right price,” says Kiyosaki, in reference to the free and universal access to this book. “This is not the time for traditional answers. The time for this book is now — and the Web will let us do that.”

Kinda sounds to me like the WMI mission...

Robert Kiyosaki is a MASTER marketer and a MASTER financial educator -- and so are we so this should be a VERY interesting project to watch.

Here -->

Amazing timing again for us.....

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Imagine Driving, Cooking, Painting, and Eating With Your Feet Only.

John Foppe, born with no arms, is an expert at overcoming obstacles. When I saw his video, it really touched me. His message in this video can help you in many areas of your life. I watched this today and it blew me away and I just wanted to share it with you, becuase it may impact you as well.

Enjoy please comment and share what you learn from this video.

Recommended Reading Seth Godin Meatball Sundae

I have just finished this great book by Seth Gogin "Meatball Sundae" and would highly recommend it for anyone that is in the marketing business or looking to build and or expand their business.

Here is a video review.

Stompernet Live 7 VIP Dinner

While I was in Atlanta Georgia at the stompernet Live 7 Event I had the privilege of having dinner with the Stompernet faculty, and this would have been one of the most inspiring dinners I had on my trip. Here is a quick video of some of the action at the VIP dinner, and your moat that Perry was wanting to have me deported. what a funny man Perry is.

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Why Benjamin Joined Carbon Copy Pro

Why Benjamin Joined Carbon Copy Pro

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Who We Are
A single, home-based operation, that has organically grown into the world’s fastest-growing, Internet marketing education and resource company with customers in over 100 countries. What started as one person's pursuit of additional income by harnessing the power of the Internet has turned into one of the largest communities of successful Internet-based entrepreneurs, selflessly sharing and leveraging each other’s strategies and tactics.

What We Believe
If you are not working for yourself, you are working for someone else. The difference between the two, in terms of potential for success and self-fulfillment, is vast. In a world that is reeling from lost opportunity, corporate irresponsibility, and mismanagement, we believe that it is possible for anyone who has the desire and the will, equipped with the proper education, to become a successful Internet-based entrepreneur.

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What We Do
CarbonCopyPRO creates an environment for entrepreneurs to cultivate opportunities for financial success through education and hard work. We show the average person how to achieve above average results using simple tools like the Internet, their telephone, and a pad of paper. These tools are available to almost anyone and can be lethal if combined with vision, passion, and focus.

How We Do It
By providing a sound, marketing education to anyone with the capacity to turn desire into action, we empower our members to build successful Internet-based businesses. What we teach is not taught in traditional classrooms, anywhere. It is the collective knowledge of dozens of experienced, self-taught entrepreneurs who have all attained a certain degree of success, and compiled their experiences into a virtual university for the benefit of all of our members. Our members are among the few in this world who are willing to turn around and help those on the ladder below them.

Carbon Copy Pro Products

CarbonCopyPRO has been a pioneer in the entrenpreneurial world of internet marketing since 2004. Leading with the BiB (an internet marketing busines in a box), new members get everything they will ever need to setup and run their own professional online internet marketing business quickly.

The BiB's aim is to eliminate as many of the learning curves that encumber new entrepreneurs by blazing a clear path to success for every member. It also includes unlimited and ongoing training and support to active members.

CarbonCopyPRO BiB members are accepted though a strict application process and must come referred by an already existing member.

If you would like to check out what the Carbon Copy Pro Business Model Offers click on any of these links;

Benjamin at Wealth Masters International M2 event in Lake Tahoe 2009



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The Most Amazing Internet Marketing Event Ever Stompernet Live 7

On this last trip to Atlanta on 9 March I had the privilege of attending the Stompernet Live 7 Event in my head was spinning with the calibre and power of the information for four days after the event. I was amazed with the people who attended the event what they were up to and the deals and joint ventures that we put in place just because we were in the room with these people. I brought David Schirmer long as my guest and he was totally alive at this event because of the people who were there as well.

Being able to spend time to speak with the speakers at this event, was what really made this event powerful. Some of the best information that I received was when I was having a drink with Andy Jenkins, all having a meal with Perry or spending the evening with Dr. Ben Mack. Or the little things like going to dinner with a group of other people attending the event and the discussions that we had the the tropics that we spoke about, just being able to share what these people are up to now we can all assist each other. I know that being a member of Stompernet has been one of the organisations that has catapulted my SEo education and I would really recommend it to anyone if they are serious about making money online.


Some other things that I alone at his last event were:

Andy Jenkins "it's okay to do do over, it is time and okay to call do over" -- I called "do over" on my own brand and image and while I was in Canada I was styled by a stylus to ensure that my presentation reflects the image that our desire to leave with my clients. That is also the reason why I have relaunched and rebranded all my websites with the unified brand and image to strengthen my message, and my presence in the marketplace.


Paul Lemberg -- the assessment of Paul's formula 5 programme has been amazing, and it has allowed me to refocus on all the little elements that make up my business and the service that I offer my clients. It is as as a result paying attention to these minor details that my profits are soaring and once again was "do over". For really hit home they doesn't have to be perfect what's more important is that you get what you are doing it out in the market place and be able to refine it, and refine it can be constantly growing and evolving. Because that is what completely differentiate you from your competition banking guarantee success.

Perry Belcher - this presentation onTwitter was completely mind blowing with what is happening with Twitter and what is possible as a result of it. Perry has an amazing story and he shared this during his presentation I also had to spend a day with him in Austin Texas and it is as because of him and Ryan that I will be moving to Austin Texas to set up my base of operations. Perry is really one of those real genuine people who wears his heart on his sleeve and is just an amazing person to be around, the humour and business marketing intelligence just leave you inspired. Perry's main message was that if you're not doing what you love get the hell out, because you can lose everything.

And the list of the great elements of this event goes on and on and on because you were there, you miss out. As an Australian I have begun to acknowledge that the grade is staff from Internet marketing and Internet world is getting produced a bout of the USA, and also our greatest market is the USA. And if you whine taking the time to get to some of these events that happen in the USA, I would almost say you're wasting your time getting to the US to be with these people would be one of the most important parts of your business strategy.


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5 Business Principles

If you are building a business regardless if it a franchise or a ground up start up there are a few things that you should follow that are good business practices and will help you grow your business.

1. Innovation
Business that keep the same plan year after year after, especially parts that aren’t working are doomed to fail. Constant market research and keeping up with the latest in business trends is very important to keeping your business on top of your market. Also keeping up with economic news and the situation of your prime consumers (businesses, corporations, personal consumer) is very important that way you always know what to do and how to move your business.

2. Exploit strengths and leverage weaknesses

Regardless of the size of your business if you are a sole proprietorship or if you have many employees you have to know what your employees do well and assign tasks to their strengths and don’t have them work in their weaknesses. Asking an employee to do something they don’t do well guarantees that it won’t get done very well at all.

3. Motivation and Teamwork
Working with other people, regardless if it’s a freelance you’ve outsourced to or people in your office, compliments and other motivational nods are really necessary to keep your professionals happy with what they are doing. Reminding them how much you need them and making you work environment the very best it can be to make people feel that they matter and that they are doing something important is crucial to keep people over the long-term and keeping employee complains down. Happy employees are productive employees.

4. Planning your work and working your plan
It should be obvious I know but having a good and reliable business plan that you’re going to stick to with tip #1 is crucial. Knowing your strategy, market placement and other strategy items is very important to long term success and getting past that 5 year death knell.

5. Have Fun
The most important thing to remember is that this business represents your dreams and your chances for success. Having fun, keeping an upbeat attitude is very important to your success. It will get you through the hard days, the stressful days, and for the days when everything seems to go wrong.

These 5 business principles while not exhaustive are principles that will keep you and hold your business and give you the freedom and success that you desire.

Starting a business now in this economy

The media does and excellent job of talking about how bad the economy is and how the stock market goes down and down. Now may not be the time to start a business. Credit is hard to get businesses are closing and major companies are either going under or trying to restructure. But here are five reasons why now is the great time to start a business despite all that bad economic news that you’re not reading about right?

New businesses have more market share

With so many older businesses closing due to their inability to catch up with the times or because they over extended with credit or several other reasons. This gives you as a new business owner a chance to start a business or expand a hobby business and serve more customers than ever before.

Ability to change quickly and expand

Large companies cannot move quickly to react to new market conditions and even small businesses who have gotten complacent and can’t catch up with the times. This gives a new business, with lower overhead and new ideas a chance to do something new and different. It is the that idea of innovation that can sometimes give new businesses an edge over the competition no matter how good they are.

New angles
Obviously by starting a business you are trying to do something new and improved that has never has been done before. Even if your service is familiar you should make sure that you are doing something unique and putting a new twist on something old. It is unique of course because it is you that are offering this service or selling this product but the simple fact that you are doing it makes it unique enough but a new gimmick, idea, or something that just sets you apart from the competition.

Plan your work and work your plan
This old saying is very true in every way. In business you have to plan things and then make sure that you follow that plan. Now don’t be afraid to abandon a plan if its not working or not making you money but stick with it to make sure of its results. The most important thing is to have a plan in the first place. It gives direction and helps you know what works and what doesn’t.

Keeping your goals in mind
You started a business for a reason, you had a goal, you wanted to do something special. It could be anything from leaving corporate America or just wanting to spend more time with your family. You need to keep your goals in mind because when you’re happy the money will come. Whatever you are trying to do make sure that the reason you decided to hang out your shingle as a business person stays intact. Write it down, post it on the wall, on your desk wherever.

Why To Use Guarantees In Promoting Your Business

When making a purchase, customers want to feel confident that they are spending their money on a quality product or service. Even if you offer the highest quality product or service, your customers are likely going to feel much more confident if they are protected by a guarantee and have recourse if they are unhappy with their purchase.

There many reasons business owners implement some sort of guarantee on their products or services. Before you determine whether a guarantee is best for your business, weigh the pros and cons of offering a guarantee.

Inspire consumer confidence

By offering a guarantee on your product or service, you're making an effort to inspire consumer confidence. Customers are going to feel substantially more confident when purchasing a product that is backed by some sort of guarantee over purchasing a product that offers no guarantee whatsoever.

Illustrates you stand behind your product or service

When you offer a guarantee on your product or service, you're illustrating that you are so confident about your product or your service that you are willing to offer your customers' their money back if they are not satisfied.

When you are confident in your product or service and you convey that to your customers, they, in turn, are going to become more confident in purchasing from you.

Allows you to fix any problems that arise

Offering a guarantee will allow you to assess the problems that are arising from your product or service. For example, if you notice you are getting a high number of returns on a particular product, you can talk with customers to pinpoint the exact problem then you can work to fix that problem.

Will increase consumer spending

When your customers know they are protected by some sort of guarantee, they are going to be much more likely to purchase from you again and again.

Advantages outweigh the disadvantages

One of reasons some business owners don't want to offer a guarantee is they worry about being taken advantage of by unscrupulous customers. When deciding whether or not offering a guarantee is right for your business, consider both the advantages and disadvantages as you see them.

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The fact is, whether you offer a guarantee or not, you are going to have to deal with unscrupulous customers at some point during the lifetime of your business. If you offer a guarantee, you will have those customers that see fit to take advantage of your guarantee, but the majority of your customers will not use you.

Be careful with service guarantees

Regardless of what you are selling, you are going to have some people who try to take advantage of you and your guarantee. It's to be expected in any business. However, if you have a service-based business, you are going to have to be much more careful.

For example, if you are offering a service such as writing or Web design, you'll likely not want to offer a 100 percent money-back guarantee. Instead, you might want to offer a guarantee that you'll provide up to two revisions for the price you've quoted.

Create Wealth And Abundance In A Volatile Job Market

We all know the job market out there is tough. It's tough times for everyone right now. You're either looking for a job or petrified that the job you currently have is going to end for a reason unknown to you. So how can one create wealth and abundance in a volatile job market? How can you be successful when it seems you have nothing but obstacles in front of you?

First, let's define wealth and abundance. Wealth and abundance is not just about having lots of money and a yacht to boot. Wealth and abundance is having the ability to live a comfortable life, and to continue to further yourself. It's somewhat of a two-way street. You cannot be happy and successful if you do not have wealth and abundance by striving to better yourself. If you are stagnant, you create a stagnant lifestyle. That is what you bring to you. Whatever you project out comes back to you.

If you have the ability to face your challenges, then do so! By facing challenges head on, by taking control of your life, you are unconsciously creating wealth and abundance. You are telling yourself that you believe that you can do something better, that you have real value. If you project that positivity, eventually (though it may not be as quickly as you like) that is going to be what surrounds your life.

You may be thinking that it's easier to say than to do, and if that's your mindset, you are your own worst enemy. Things can always get worse before they get better, but why focus on that? Because you're a "realist"? No, you're a pessimist if you think in those terms. You're accepting defeat and you're letting the world know, "Hey, I'm a victim!" The only person who has victimized you is YOURSELF.

We have to learn to let go of our fears and our inhibitions. Learn to emit positivity, and wealth and abundance will come your way. It's not just going to happen to you, you have to go out and get it. If you feel you justly deserve a raise, create a game plan/speech and tell you boss you deserve it and exactly why that is the case. Break down the walls that we've been brainwashed to put up. Once you learn there are no limits, you have nowhere to go but up.

I would recommend starting a new business and building it from the beginning and look forward to the learning experiences that you will have along the way. It does not have to be perfect and like most people you will learn more from your mistakes then your success. It is your failures that become your greatest asset.

Creating Wealth In A Home Based Business

The benefits of home business are many; more family time, freedom of time, no commute and endless opportunities to take charge of your destination. Once you make the decision to move from a traditional work setting to operate a home based business, such as network marketing, you need to improve or guarantee the likelihood that you will succeed.

Success, in anything requires focus, this means learning, studying and practicing proven ways in order to make the success of your business a predictable outcome. There are ways to ensure your success, read on to learn how.

Network Marketing is Booming

The employment landscape in the United States is changing. Gone are the retirement and pension plans. Gone is the paradigm of job security. Did you know that companies everywhere are downsizing? They are either going virtual or moving work offshore, eliminating jobs in all industries. Despite this trend in employment conditions and change in workforce paradigm, the annual income for Americans has increased from $13 trillion in 1991 to $40 trillion in 2001.

Many experts attribute this growth due to the increase in home based business, primarily network marketing. In home based business and network marketing, the opportunities come with many benefits. Many people are moving into home based businesses, either to supplement income, allow for more time at home with family or to create a new career. Often times these ventures do not require specialized degrees or skills, anyone can learn how to do network marketing, and these businesses are opportunities for those from all walks of life. Anyone can take advantage of these opportunities. One of the biggest advantages of home based business is the fact that one can create multiple streams of income and thus the earning potential can become limitless.

In traditional work settings, where an employee merely trades his or her time for money, the employee's earning potential is capped based on how many hours they have in one day. You cannot create more time. On the other hand, with network marketing and home based businesses, one has the ability to multiply their time and their profits by creating multiple streams of income or affiliate program relationships. This is in part how to create great success and wealth. Home based businesses and network marketing ventures are redefining how business is conducted across the country and the globe.

Want more proof that network marketing is here to stay and a growing home based business solution for many who are seeking more wealth and freedom? Fortune magazine describes network marketing as An industry with steady annual growth, healthy cash flows, high returns on invested capital and long term prospects for global expansion. Network marketing has grown more than 91 percent since 1997 and provides over $30 billion in income for Americans and $100 billion in income for individuals all over the globe.

Each week nearly 300,000 individuals from all over the world enter into the home based, network marketing business arena. Many experts recognize the potential for improved quality of life, an opportunity to follow life's passions and in many cases to accrue tremendous wealth.

So how does one learn how to get into home based work or network marketing? And how does one improve the likelihood of success and the creation of not only wealth, but of all of one's dreams? The answer is easy. Learn, study and practice the Secret Science to Getting Rich.

Guarantee your Success

Did you know that according to Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad that 90% of all new businesses fail within the first five years? Additionally, statistics show that 90% of that 10% that survived the first five years fail before they reach ten? So how do you guarantee yourself that you are part of that 1% of all businesses that succeed after 10 years? You can do it. Anyone can, success and becoming wealthy comes down to a science, a science with a predictable outcome. Those who succeed and become wealthy know something. They understand something. They know the Secret Science to Getting Rich.

Secret Science to Getting Rich

Secret Science to Getting Rich Have you heard of the DVD called "the Secret"? The Secret uses transformational learning so that the audience actually internalizes the concepts and adopts that way of thinking as their way of being. The movie has a central theme called "the Law of Attraction". The law of attraction states that what we think about, we bring about, our thoughts manifest into our life experience. In fact, the movie itself was inspired by this very same law when the producer read a book called "the Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. This book was written in 1910. Little did Wallace know how he would transform the thinking of the world, 100 years later! The law of attraction states that we create our reality, both good and bad! Have you created a reality of wealth?

Benjamin Bressington Speaking

Are you looking for a dynamic speaker who will educate and entertain you?

Are you looking for a new level of awareness on how to take your business or have your team move to the next level?

Do you want to know how to capitalise and leveraged the full power of the Internet?

Would you like to hear from a person who travels the world to personally work with some of the worlds top Internet marketers and can provide you with the step by step process to explode your business. Benjamin has been on a quest to be recognized as one of the world's top Internet marketers and is now at the level where he plays on a regular basis with the world's top Internet marketers. People who on a daily basis are conducting seven figure product launches or running multi-million dollar businesses with the core being solely online. strategies and secrets that are used by the world's top Internet marketers will be exposed to you and apply into your business, so you will know exactly how you can copy the worlds best Internet Marketers.

Benjamin has been working with these people and taking the best of what they know and integrating it into his multidimensional marketing approach to life and business and can speak to your and your team on any of the following topics:

1. The power of social marketing

2. How to capitalise on Web 2.0 to technologies

3. How to build your business on the concept of complementing your competition

4. How they can create powerful joint-venture partnerships that can explode your business

5. How are you losing money on the Internet?

6. How many opportunities are you missing because you're not taking advantage of the Internet?

7. How to build your profile online

8. The mistakes people make with their websites

Website reviews

If your business or salespeople currently have their own websites Benjamin can review your website live and critique of them to provide solutions that will increased conversion within 30 days.

How do we get Benjamin to speak at our event?

Benjamin non-refundable speakers fee and travel expenses will need to be paid in full prior to Benjamin speaking at your event. Benjamin will customize his presentation for your needs and will guarantee satisfaction.

5 Ways To Guarantee The Success Of Your Website Design

1. Determine The Objective Of Your Website?

What is the purpose of your website? This is a very important questions that most designers do not understand or worse don't even ask when they are have your website designed this means that you will not achieve the results that you want.

Here are some questions that you need to think about before you commence your website design;

Who is your customer?
Are you wanting to sell product online?
Who is your real world competition
Who is your online competition?
How is your product or service getting sold online?
Are you wanting to generate leads?
Are you wanting to show case your product?
How are you going to contact your prospects?
Do you want an email auto responder?
Are you going to use a blog?

When you are designing your website you need to be aware of the purpose of your website other wise you will fail online.
These are some of the many questions that we will ask you prior to completing your website design.

Why Do we ask you these questions?

We want to understand your business and ensure we provide you with a solution that will enhance your business success.

2. Do Your Competitive Research

Understanding who and how your competition are using the internet is very powerful, because this determines the effort required to dominate your market place. This also can provide you with vital information that can assist in your design and marketing of your website. This therefore saves you time and money.

Have you done your Keyword Research?
Deciding what it is you want your website to sell is the first step in designing a website.

Designing a website around something which people are not looking for can potentially be a
waste of time and money

There are tools online which you can use to find out what people are searching for online, such as this google keyword tool (opens in a new window). The key to making money online is finding the topics which have the largest number of people searching for online and to target either your website or particular web pages to that topic.

The Team at Benjamin Bressington specialise in clearly defining your target market and your niche to ensure that you dominate the market and capitalize on the power of the internet

3. Make It Easy For Your Clients Or Buyers To Do Business

Before you design your website you must first figure out what you want your visitors to do.

Do you want them to leave their contact details, send you an email or pick up the phone and call your business for more information?

Does your website work in all browsers? Are the button on your website clear and simple to read? Is the Call to action on your website clear and simple?

4. Does Your Website Make You Look Professional?

Prior to the year 2007, businesses could make money online by putting up a website that did not have high end graphic design and still make a considerable profit.

However the prospects and clients choice has now increased, so you need to ensure that your website promotes your trust, reputation and integrity. There are many simple design elements that you can do to increase your initial trust rating, just remember you buyer will make their decision within 3 seconds of looking at your website.

5. Have A Internet Marketing Strategy To Grow Your Website

Having your website designed is only stage 1 you need to integrate your website design into your marketing strategy that will increase the traffic to your website.

Here are some ways that the Internet Sales Doctor will increase traffic in your Internet Marketing Strategy

Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC)
Organic Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Link Building
Article Writing
Article Submission
Online Video Marketing
Facebook Marketing
Social Book Marketing
Social Media Advertising
Alias website creation
Ebay Campaigns
Amazon Campaigns
Email Marketing

Inertia, It's Not a River in Egypt

March is almost over and the results are in. The worse the economy gets the more people are digging deep to find their inner entrepreneur begging to be released. The biggest battle we all fight is inertia. This is what keeps us repeating the same habits and getting the same outcomes. All successful entrepreneurs know a thing or two about this topic. Enjoy !

Inertia, It's Not a River in Egypt

I just looked up inertia on Wikipedia: "... the resistance of an object to a change in its state of motion [...] inertia means that an object will always continue moving at its current speed and in its current direction until some force causes its speed or direction to change."

Inertia is everywhere, in all physical objects and in every one of us. This is not
necessarily a bad thing. For a long time I relied on inertia to get me going in the morning so I could get to the job where I earned enough to get through the day so I could get up the next day and do the same thing, again and again, day after day.

Even though in my daydreams of wealth and generosity that wasn't exactly what I pictured my life to be, I accepted it. Routine can become comfortable. It's common to develop a kind of psychological inertia, to know what to expect, to go along doing your thing, surviving.

Whatever path you are on, you can become driven by inertia...right up until you get that gnawing feeling that you're going nowhere fast. In that case, guess what? You are. That's inertia for you. But, if you have ambitions, things you want to learn about, places you want to go, people to meet, a sense that you want to be part of a greater good, a desire to earn more money, well, then inertia becomes a force you have to overcome.

Going back to our definition of inertia, changing a body's direction or speed (or both) requires an outside force. When it comes to people and inertia, however, that force can also emerge from within. It starts with a desire but also requires making a decision and following it with action.

It sounds simple, and it is. But simple doesn't equal easy. You may have the desire to change but not the will. That's no longer inertia at work. That's something called laziness: perhaps the single greatest obstacle to achieving your goals. That's when coasting is no longer passive and has become an active form of resistance to change.

To put it bluntly, you can't be lazy and successful. Lazy entrepreneurs are the 90% who fail.

Spend some quality time with yourself. Listen to your heart. Figure out the top five things that you know you can change to take your income to the next level. (You will know what they are because you know yourself better than anyone else.) No matter how difficult or challenging they may seem, put them on the list. The more resistant you are to completing a task, the higher up on your list it should go. Work on each of the five every day until they are completed. And, if working on these things means getting help, seek it out. Talk to an expert. Get an education. The responsibility is yours. Just remember, inertia is at your side whether you
like it or not.

If you are looking for a marketing system that will produce results you need to 1. Check this out 2. Talk to Ben

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